Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Successful Interval Workout

Today, I returned to running after 3 off days. So my legs were completely fresh for the first interval workout in my training schedule. Opened with 2 miles easy at 9:44's pace -- this was on an indoor, air conditioned track which is always a bit faster for me than real street miles. Then did 6 x 800's in sets of 2 at 8:57's, 8:27's, and 8:00's pacing. Tenth mile walk inbetween each 800. These were treadmill halfs with 0 incline setting, so they are faster than real life with the treadmill's mechanical advantage. However, at this point, I just want to have some early on successes with faster pacing, so I was very pleased with the overall workout. The 8:57 halves were very doable for me, with the 8:27's and 8:00's requiring focus and harder breathing. So far, so good! Onto a semi-long run after work tomorrow and 18 on Saturday! -- Bill

1 comment:

Mike said...

Treadmill or not, Bill, those were some quality 800s! Nicely done!

Hoping to join you on Saturday. I'm scheduled for a 12 miler and might wait for you to finish and then have breakfast.