Thursday, September 1, 2011

Out ahead of the heat

With the temperature expected to get to 100 today, I got up early for my run. I had no idea what the temperature was at 5:30, and I really didn't even want to check. When I got outside I was greeted by warm, humid air. There were two pluses, though: the sun wasn't up and there was a pretty good breeze.

I didn't need anything other than an easy run, though, I just decided to work my way through the mileage at a comfortable pace and not worry about time at all. I started at 10:29 and worked my way gradually down to 8:45 for the last full mile. The overall pace was 9:25 for 5.4 miles.

When I got home I checked the temperature and it was 81 (at 6:30 a.m.), and headed down. I was glad I hadn't waited until evening for the workout. -- Rob

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