Sunday, September 25, 2011

Set Back, but for How Long?

I finished my 12 miler with some knee pain yesterday, but as usual, I iced it and took some Ibuprofen. Lately, I've been following that procedure even though my knee hasn't been a problem. Let's see now, in the last 5 weekends I've ran a 9, a 12, a 15, an 18, and yesterday's 12. The only run that gave me an issue was yesterday's 12 miler and it doesn't look good.

I'm still limping around this morning and every step results in a very sharp pain the same place where the meniscus tear was before the surgery. Feeling pretty down this morning, but will wait it out for a few days following the RICE method, and when I don't feel the pain, I'll restart a slow walk and run to see where I'm at. I'm hoping it's just a temporary problem.

At this point, the trip to Dallas is in, but the race it self may be out. The Hilly Hundred shouldn't be a problem, but we'll see. Right now, I can't get the idea of a knee replacement out of my mind..........Mike

1 comment:

Bill said...

Mike -- Bummer! I say bicycle your way back to running! --Bill