Monday, October 31, 2011

Back On the Bricks!

My day to day adjustment in my running schedule called for an eight miler today, a decision made just as I went out the door. If I didn't suffer all the setbacks in the past few months, I would have been scheduled for a 12 miler today, but since I'm planning my 20 miler on Friday, or Saturday if I don't work, I thought it prudent to stick to an easy 8.

Didn't do my usual half mile walk. I walked the dogs before I ran and called it good enough. I still, non-the-less, began the first mile very slowly and incorporated my one minute walk at the beginning of each mile.

The course was all uphills and downhills with the exception of a 2 mile stretch of reasonably flat concrete trail. Although I didn't plan on pushing it much, I felt pretty good after a few miles and through in some tempo stuff for the heck of it. Splits as follows: 13:00, 11:49, 11:56, 10:46, 9:44, 8:58, 11:26, 9:29 with a 10:59 average and a max of 6:57 (have no idea).

This weeks 20 miler will be the last indication of what kind of shape I'll be in for Dallas. At this point, all I can state is that I'll finish........Mike

1 comment:

Bill said...


Fabulous run! The 3 miles just above and below 9:00's were very impressive -- and on a hilly course no doubt! Well done, well done! --Bill