Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Important Only To Me!

Being not real sure as to how my knee was going to respond to a run after the Hilly Hundred weekend, I went out the door with intentions of running an easy four miles just to give it a test run. It couldn't have gone better!

I walked the first half mile and J-worded the back half of the first mile just like I usually do. I picked it up a little and found myself running in the tens with little effort. I have no idea why, but I just decided to push it a little more and was running in the mid eights. I even pushed it a little more for around a quarter mile and was in the sevens with a max of 7:07. I didn't know about the seven minute pace until I checked my Garmin.

At any rate, when I got home, my knee was just fine! I plan to run an easy six to eight tomorrow to see where I'm at with the knee. If I can run through the weekend without any knee issues, then I'm pretty sure I can slowly, and I mean slowly, increase the mileage.

Can't help but realize that cycling has been extremely beneficial to the re-habing of my knee.

Nothing to add with regards to the Hilly Hundred that Rob hasn't posted. Everything he stated would only be sentiments echoed by me. The only thing I WOULD post different is that I WILL NOT GO BACK! It was just to unnerving for me and I really would like to see my 100th birthday and not be in a wheelchair!...............Mike


Rob said...

Good run, Mike. Take it easy.

Bill said...

Great run Mike! Rock n roll! --Bill