Friday, October 21, 2011

Pretty Good, Pretty Good!

Ran a steady 7 miler today on the trail along 64th street. I began with my usual half mile walk and half mile J-word then set my watch back to 00:00:00 and began to pick it up. Splits aren't that impressive unless you consider the long uphills. Splits were 10:42, 9:23, 9:53, 9:47, 9:10, 9:15 and 9:18 with a max of 7:17. Only walked about 30 seconds in mile three. Knee still okay, so far, but Sunday will tell the tale. I plan on doing a 16 miler, but will take it real easy..........Mike

1 comment:

Bill said...


Your splits are very fast. Be careful on pushing sub 10:00's right now. That was a great workout -- but not if pushing the pace screws up your knees. Go very easy this weekend!

By the way, I was proud of my 4 miles at 9:58 average over lunch today. Now I feel like a pussy looking at your run!

Lastly: loved Rob's comment #7 on our exchange earlier this week! --Bill