Saturday, October 1, 2011

Goal-Pace long run

I didn't really set out to do this, but my long run this morning turned into a goal-pace run, meaning I averaged what I hope I can average for a whole marathon. This was only 12.3 miles though, so that's quite a difference.
It was mid 40s when I got started, and I opened with two miles just short of 10 min. pace. I just let the run come to me the rest of the way, trying to stay comfortable and to not burn up too much energy. I wanted to finish strong and feeling good.
Mile 6 was my first under 9, and all the rest of them (with one exception) were under 9 the rest of the way. My last full mile was the fastest at 8:34, and that surprised me because it seemed like I had slowed down in that mile.
Anyway, I DID finish strong - and I felt pretty good at the end - so I accomplished my goal for the day.
30.7 miles for the week. -- Rob

1 comment:

Bill said...


These are very, very strong runs! Great job! --Bill