Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Easy 6

Much cooler tonight than earlier this week - just 54 when I got going at 6:45 p.m. That's not bad for a fall day, though.
I had just six miles on the schedule, and I had no desire to do anything fast. I just wanted a nice, easy, comfortable run.
So, I started off slow and pretty much kept it that way until the last two miles, which averaged 8:59. The first mile was 10:15 and everything else was right around 9:30. I did 6.2 miles in 58:28, which is a 9:26 average.
That sets me up for two days of rest before my 20-22 miles on Saturday.-- Rob

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Enjoy your rest days. Don't push the 20+ miler.