Sunday, October 23, 2011

Jumping Ahead!

Well, I had a decision to make this morning. With only six weeks to go before Dallas, I knew I had get at least one long run in of 18-20 miles. This week has gone so smooth regarding my knee and with the Hilly Hundred, a quality four miler, and a quality 7 miler on Friday behind me, I felt it was time to just throw caution to the wind and test body, mind and attitude.

The result was a surprising, better than expected, 18 miler. I walked the first half of the first mile with the usual J-word in the second half and even began the second mile with a one minute walk. I walked a full minute at the beginning of each mile and just could believe how good I felt after mile four.

My intentions were to just take it easy and average in the mid elevens for the 18 miles, but I looked down at my watch from time to time and was just cruising along comfortably in the high eights and low nines. When I came to my next mile marker I walked the full minute. I didn't walk briskly, I walked like one who was walking with their wife in the park, you know the window shopping pace. This is also when I hydrated.

When the minute was up, I slowly picked up the pace until I was cruising along again at 8:30s to a little over 9:00. I just couldn't believe how good I felt. Not sure I could hold that pace without the one minute walk. At any rate, here are my splits. Walk and jog mile one in 15:17, then 11:51, 11:43, 11:59, 10:33, 10:06, 10:05, 9:53, 10:05, 10:09, 9:20, 8:56, 9:07, 9:21, 10:58, 11:50, 10:53, 12:01 with a max of 7:31 and a 10:52 average for all 18 miles. FYI, my hips were giving me some issues in the last three miles and I had to take it easy the last mile...........Mike


Rob said...

You just amaze me, Mike. You'll finish Dallas and make us all look bad doing it.

Bill said...

Mike -- great job! Way to keep the sanity in your workout and get in the distance! --Bill