Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Still Concerned!

I intended on doing a short slow run today, since I rode 18 yesterday, but I still have that dull ache in my knee from Monday's short run. I had to do something and didn't want to ride the bike anymore until the Hilly Hundred this weekend, so I decided to just walk. I had a nice four mile walk on a new trail close to where I live. Weather nice, leaves starting to peak here and there and it was just nice to not worry about pace or distance. Just a nice walk with my own thoughts............Mike

1 comment:

Bill said...


How did you like the palette of leaf colors on your walk? Did you sip white wine and eat Brie cheese afterwards? Also -- you failed to mention that the best part of your walk was when I called you on your cell phone! My sensitive feelings are hurt. --Bill